Thursday, February 21, 2008

Monday, Feb. 20- Winter Tour

As I sit here trying to figure out what to write, I realize I should have taken Josh Wiebe’s method of avoiding the journal and faked sleep when it came time to divvy out journal duties. But I digress. Sorry, I don’t even really know what that means. Anyways, this morning we set out from Iowa City and encountered some adverse road conditions. As we passed car after car in the ditch and at least one accident, I could not help but think that we made the right decision to not go to Madison yesterday afternoon. It also makes me realize how lucky we are to have the greatest bus driver in the world. Not only was it icy this morning, but it was very windy too. But Alvin never flinched.

When we got to Freeman, we had some free time to relax and try to limbo through the nursery door. Sorry I almost hit you in the face, Drew. A few people actually made it.

The concert. Oh the concert. It was probably the funniest and scariest concert I have ever sung in. Sarah Hooley almost had another girl fall on top of her when Kory almost fainted in the middle of the concert. Josh Wiebe had another solo when he came in on a women's part, and Josh and Sarah came running out of the nursery after the break looking very disheveled. Oliver had the quote of the night when he said, “Man Josh, it’s too bad the girls came in and ruined your solo.” We laughed so hard about that.

After the concert, me and Drew stayed the night at Bethany’s grandparent’s. I had been there before on a service trip because one of their other sons is my pastor and we thought we would stop in and see his house. Anyways, we went into Freeman and sampled some of the local food. We had chislic which is pretty much just mutton on a stick. Then we went home. If we would have ate all the food that was offered to us, we both would have put on some weight. They were very hospitable people. Then we pulled out the baby pictures of Bethany. Drew took pictures of the best ones on his phone if you want to take a look.

We just have one more concert left on the winter tour of 2008, and the off to Hesston. I wonder if Josh will sing another solo. It has been a great tour so far with lots of good memories.

~Jason Unruh

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